User agreement

JobsAround’s websites and mobile apps help people who have recently arrived in France find jobs that match their skills and interests.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to work, regardless of their nationality. JobsAround hopes to make it easier for newly-arrived people in France to find jobs and integrate into their new life in France. This is identified in the Contract as "Purpose".

To reach this Purpose, JobsAround offers:

  • - Websites and mobile apps

  • - Telegram canals and social network pages

  • - Educational content, trainings and classes

those are identified as “Services”

Registered users of our Services are “Members” and unregistered users are “Visitors”.

1. JobsAround

You are entering into this Contract with JobsAround (also referred to as “we” and “us”), a social organisation based in France.

2. Contract

By clicking "Join", "Join JobsAround", "Sign Up" or similar, registering, accessing or using our services, you are agreeing to the terms of this contract.

This contract covers all of JobsAround services, including but not limited to the JobsAround website, the JobsAround Telegram canals, and JobsAround mobile apps.

When you join JobsAround, you become a member. If you choose not to join, you can access certain features as a visitor.

If you do not agree to this contract (“Contract” or “User Agreement”), do not click “Join ” (or similar) and do not use any of our services.

You can terminate this contract at any time by closing your JobsAround account and no longer accessing or using JobsAround services.

This contract will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France.

JobsAround may modify its User Agreement and Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make material changes, we will notify you through our services or other means. You will have the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective.

We agree that changes cannot be retroactive. If you object to any changes, you may close your account. Your continued use of our services after we publish or send a notice about our changes to these terms means that you are consenting to the updated terms as of their effective date.

Any disputes arising out of or relating to this contract will be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Association Française d'Arbitrage.

3. Obligations

The Services are not for use by anyone under the age of 16.

To use the Services, you agree that:

  • - You must be at least 16 years old, or the age required by law in your country to use the Services without parental consent.

  • - You will only have one account, which must be in your real name

  • - You are not already restricted from using the Services by JobsAround.

Creating an account with false information is a violation of our terms, including accounts registered on behalf of others.

Members must:

  • - Secure their accounts with strong passwords and keep them confidential

  • - Not transfer any part of their accounts, such as connections

  • - Be accountable for any activity that occurs through their accounts, unless they close them or report misuse

4. Dos and Don’ts

Here are the things you agree to do on JobsAround:

  • - Use your real name and profile picture. This helps build trust with other users and is compliant with the User Agreement

  • - Provide accurate information. This means being honest about your skills, experience, and qualifications. It also means updating your profile regularly so that it is up-to-date.

  • - Be professional in your communication. This means using appropriate language and avoiding any offensive or inappropriate content.

  • - Comply with all applicable laws.

Here are the things you agree not to do on JobsAround:

  • - Impersonate someone else. This is a violation of JobsAround's terms of service and could result in your account being banned.

  • - Post spam or promotional content. his will only annoy other users and could get your account flagged.

  • - Extract data from the Services. This means that you cannot use software or other tools to scrape or copy data from the Services.

  • - Bypass security features or access unauthorized areas. This means that you cannot try to access parts of the Services that you are not authorized to access.

  • - Share information obtained from the Services without permission. This means that you cannot share information that you obtain from the Services with others without the permission of JobsAround.

  • - Decompile or reverse engineer the Services. This means that you cannot try to figure out how the Services work.

  • - Monetize the Services without permission. This means that you cannot sell or give away access to the Services without the permission of JobsAround.

  • - Link to the Services for unauthorized purposes. This means that you cannot link to the Services from other websites without the permission of JobsAround.

  • - Use automated tools to interact with the Services. This means that you cannot use bots or other automated tools to interact with the Services.

  • - Frame or mirror the Services. This means that you cannot make it look like the Services are part of your own website.

  • - Interfere with the operation of the Services. This means that you must not do anything that could damage or slow down the Services.

5. Communication

You agree that we will deliver messages to you in the following ways:

  • - Within the Service. This means that we may post notices and messages to you within messages inbox or pages.

  • - To the contact information you provided us. This means that we may send notices and messages to you at the email address or mobile number.

You agree to keep your contact information up to date. This means that you agree to provide us with accurate and up-to-date contact information, and to notify us of any changes to your contact information.

6. Your licence

When you submit or post content to JobsAround, you are granting JobsAround and its affiliates a non-exclusive license to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish, and process your content and information. This license is worldwide, transferable, and sublicensable.

The license is limited in the following ways:

  • - You can revoke the license for specific content by deleting it from JobsAround. However, if you have shared the content with others, they may continue to use it.

  • - JobsAround will not include your content in advertisements for third-party products or services without your consent. However, JobsAround may serve ads near your content and information, and your social actions may be visible and included with ads.

  • - JobsAround may share your member data with public and private organizations for the sole purpose of the Purpose defined earlier. For example sharing your resume with a work agency in your area.

  • - JobsAround may edit and make format changes to your content, but it will not modify the meaning of your expression.

7. Limits & Service Availability

JobsAround reserves the right to limit your access to the Services.

We may modify, suspend, or terminate any of our Services at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

JobsAround reserves the right to limit, suspend, or terminate your account if you violate the User Agreement, the laws, or the Do's and Don'ts.

8. Limit of Liability

JobsAround does not make any promises or guarantees about its services. JobsAround provides its services on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

For example, if you use JobsAround to find a job and you are not offered the job, JobsAround is not liable for any damages that you may incur as a result, such as lost wages or lost business opportunities.

JobsAround and its affiliates are not liable for any damages that you may incur as a result of using its services. This includes damages for lost profits, lost business opportunities, damage to your reputation, loss of data, or any other type of indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or punitive damages.

JobsAround and its affiliates may access, store, process, and use any information and personal data that you provide in accordance with the Privacy Policy and your choices. This includes information that you provide when you create an account, use our services, or interact with us in other ways.

For example, we may use your information to provide you with personalized recommendations, to improve our services, or to contact you about our products and services.

We may also use your information to comply with legal requirements, to enforce our terms of service, or to protect our rights or the rights of others.

If you submit suggestions or other feedback regarding our services to JobsAround, we may use and share (but do not have to) such feedback for any purpose without compensation to you.

This includes using your feedback to improve our services, to develop new products or services, or to market our products or services.

You agree to only provide content or information that does not violate the law nor anyone's rights (including intellectual property rights). You also agree that your profile information will be truthful. JobsAround may be required by law to remove certain information or content in certain countries.

9. Termination

To close your account, send a request to

When your account is terminated, you will no longer be able to access or use the Services. However, the following rights will survive termination:

  • - Our right to use and disclose your feedback. This means that we may continue to use and share your feedback, even after your account is terminated.

  • - The right of Members and/or Visitors to further re-share content and information that you shared through the Services. This means that other users may continue to share the content and information that you shared, even after your account is terminated.